Single Point Listings
Refine- Ruby Kyanite with Fuchsite Point $28.98
- Lodolite Point $54.00
- Rutilated Lodolite Point $50.40
- Rutilated Lodolite Point $84.60
- Ruby Kyanite with Fuchsite Point $28.80
- Tourmalated Quartz Point $45.00
- Rainbow Fluorite Point $18.00
- Rainbow Fluorite Point $18.00
- Rainbow Fluorite Point $18.00
- Rainbow Fluorite Point $18.00
- Rainbow Fluorite Point $19.80
- Rainbow Fluorite Point $18.00
- Rose Quartz Point Large $140.40
- Clear Quartz Point $23.40
- Clear Quartz Point $20.52
- Clear Quartz Point $23.76
- Yooperlite Point $21.42
- Yooperlite Point $23.40
- Lodolite Point $81.00
- Rhodonite Point $41.40
- Mixed Garnet Point $30.60
- Amethyst Agate Point $40.50
- Blue Kyanite Point $31.50
- Chevron Amethyst Polished Point $32.40
- Blue Kyanite Point $25.38
- Ruby Kyanite Point $21.78
- Amethyst Agate Point $36.00
- Crazy Lace Agate Point $46.80
- Clear Quartz Point $35.28
- Smokey Quartz Polished Point $30.60
- Pink Amethyst Druse Obelisk $194.40
- Smokey Quartz Polished Point $57.60
- Smokey Quartz Polished Point $23.40
- Smokey Quartz Point $25.20
- Smokey Quartz Polished Point $81.00
- Smokey Quartz Polished Point $162.00
- Rutilated Quartz Point $118.80
- Crazy Lace Agate Point $18.00
- Blue Kyanite Point $38.16
- Crazy Lace Agate Point $35.10
- Quartz & Kyanite Point $36.00
- Silversheen Obsidian Point $21.60
- Rose Quartz Point (Single) $18.00
- Smokey Quartz Point $180.00
- Lepidolite Point $18.00
- Pink Amethyst Point $174.60
- Lemon Quartz Phantom Point $68.40
- Shaman Quartz Point $17.10