Lodolite Quartz is a variety of Clear Quartz with varied mineral inclusions that comes from Minas Gerais, Brazil.
The crystal is known for assisting with navigating between spiritual path and provides active communcation between the spiritual realm and our physical selves.
Other names: Shamanic Dream Stone, Inclusion Quartz, Garden Quartz, Lodalite, Lodelite, Landscape Quartz or Scenic Quartz
- Lodolite Point $133.20
- Lodolite Phantom Point $183.60
- Lodolite Phantom Point $246.60
- Lodolite Quartz Faceted Freeform $349.20
- Quartz Cluster with Lodolite $36.00
- Lodolite Point $162.00
- Lodolite Polished Point $54.00
- Lodolite Point $480.60
- Lodolite Quartz Freeform $79.20
- Polished Lodolite Freeform $28.80
- Lodolite Freeform $32.40
- Lodolite Polished Point $25.20
- Lodolite Point $104.40
- Lodolite Point $58.50
- Lodolite Point $102.60
- Lodolite Point $28.08
- Lodolite Polished Freeform $63.00
- Lodolite Point $60.84
- Lodolite Chips/ 250g $11.34
- Lodolite Quartz Cluster $158.40